Mix Rescue
Don’t be scared to trash something you’ve already recorded if it helps you to achieve a better end result...
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Don’t be scared to trash something you’ve already recorded if it helps you to achieve a better end result...
This month, we breathe life into a track by restructuring it to avoid unnecessary repetition, adding subtle new parts, employing various mix tricks and finally applying a little DIY 'mastering' polish...
This month, we hunt out the devils in the detail of a metal mix!
In a departure from the norm, we take Mix Rescue on location and get back into the swing of mixing on hardware!
The foundation of a good, engaging mix is a strong arrangement. But how far can you go to improve things at the mixing stage?
Audio files to accompany the article.
This month’s band, the Broken Heartbreakers, threw down the gauntlet for our engineer — could he improve what was already a decent mix?
These audio files accompany the Mix Rescue article for May 2010 (www....
Ever thought you were nearing the end of your mix, only to realise the track needs a whole lot more impact?
Audio files to accompany the article.
These audio files accompany the Mix Rescue article that featured in SOS July 2010.
We tackle some thorny noise problems, and add a couple of extra parts to breathe new life into this month's track.
These audio files accompany the Mix Rescue article that featured in SOS March 2010.
Here is a selection of audio files to accompany this month's Mix Rescue of Bobby Nobody's song 'Stitch Up'. You can listen to...
This month, as well as revealing a few unusual tricks, our mix engineer demonstrates how to achieve power and clarity by focusing on the contrast between the sounds of different instruments.
When a mix project takes you out of your comfort zone, it’s vital to know that you can trust what you’re hearing.
Despite paying a studio to record and mix their album, Tommy Allen’s band weren’t keen on the result. Could our engineer do any better?
Solutions to mixing problems can sometimes be found in your arrangement...
Audio examples which accompany the article.
Audio files to accompany the article.