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Cubase 11 Sound Design | Audio Examples

Hear For Yourself By John Walden
Published December 2021

All the example audio clips include a simple backing track of drums and bass to provide a musical context/chord sequence while demonstrating the evolution of the guitar sound as per the steps described in the text of the main article, which you can find at:

Audio Example 01.mp3

This audio example contains two sections as follows: (a) the unprocessed DI’ed guitar used as my ‘source sound’; (b) the same guitar part but with Tube Compressor applied.

Audio Example 02.mp3

The guitar source processed via StepFilter. This example contains five sections as follows: (a) the guitar from (1b) but with the audio passed through StepFilter and the step sequence used to provide a modest sweep of both cutoff and resonance; (b) as for the previous case but with the step pattern used to create a rhythmic effect; (c) as for the previous case but with an instance of Distortion adding some overdrive to the sound prior to the filter; (d) SterFilter is used to create a smmoth sweeping effect (as in (a)) and Distortion is still engaged but an instance of MidiGate is used to create a rhythmic effect using a simple MIDI pattern that follows the bass line; (e) as in the previous case but with a busier MIDI clip used to trigger a more complex rhythmic pattern.

Audio Example 03.mp3

The guitar source processed by Retrologue 2’s filter. This example contains four sections as follows: (a) as for example (1b) but with the audio passed through Retrologue’s filter section; (b) as for the previous case but with Retrologue’s arpeggiator engaged and used to create a rhythmic effect and to vary the resonance and cutoff of the filter; (c) Retrologue’s arpeggiator is switched off and the pattern of MIDI notes sent to Retrologue is used to create a rhythmic pattern in the output; (d) as for the previous case but with a different rhythm created by a different MIDI note pattern.

Audio Example 04.mp3

The guitar source processed by Retrologue 2’s filter but with further effects added. This example contains four sections as follows: (a) an instance of the Multitap plugin is used to further process the guitar sound; (b) an instance of the ModDelay plugin is used to further process the guitar sound; Retrologue’s Resonator effect is used to further process the guitar sound; (d) a version were the DI-ed guitar source is processed through both the StepFilter signal chain (panned towards the left) and the Retrologue signal chain (panned towards the right).