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How I Got That Sound: Daniel Moyler

Frank Carter ‘Crowbar’ By Joe Matera
Published October 2024

How I Got That Sound

Daniel Moyler is a London‑based mixing and recording engineer who has recently mixed tracks for Dermot Kennedy and Banners, and has also recorded albums for Dua Lipa, George Ezra and Olivia Dean. Asked to dissect a favourite sound, Moyler focuses on the drum sound from ‘Crowbar’ by Frank Carter and the Rattlesnakes.

“This was recorded at The Chapel studios in Lincolnshire. Cam Blackwood, who was producing the record, had made this beat on an 808. We sent that out through a load of Dean Richardson’s guitar pedals, then re‑recorded it back into Pro Tools. It went through an Electro‑Harmonix Clone Theory chorus and vibrato pedal and then into a TC Electronic Sentry Noise Gate before hitting the amp.

How I Got That Sound: Daniel Moyler“Because Dean uses a lot of fuzz pedals, the gate was really important for keeping it clean. But when we put Cam’s beat through that gate it started cutting into it in a really nice musical way, which is what you can...

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